Motherhood Fruition with Artificial Insemination

If we back in age of 19th century we would find several women fighting with problem of infertility. No doubt it’s a dream of every family to have their own child. But there was no such scenario that could help those couples. After a long time research in 1980, direct intraperitoneal insemination was infrequently used. After the successful put forwarded report a number of women got fruition of fertility across world-wide. Let’s have a look upon a complete Artificial Insemination process and know what actually it is.

Motherhood Fruition with Artificial Insemination

Insemination is an infertility treatment in which the sperm are placed in the uterus, cervix and fallopian. In this process large quantity of washed sperm are get placed. However there are four types of insemination technologies got introduced but IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) is one of the popular and suggested by doctor. The treatment procedure is of few minutes that require no medication and feel of pain.

artificial insemination procedure at healthyzer

After the two weeks of artificial insemination doctors always suggest to go for a pregnancy test. Which state a definitive result. After the procedure there could be possibilities of non pregnancy. But in this case it is advised to try the procedure again rather than moving to another treatment of fertility.

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